Sports Picks & Predictions

Pure Lock Pure Lock
17-3 UFC run! 66-45 football run! TOP NBA for Monday! 71% in NFL Regular season this past year!! QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY is how to make the BIG BUCKS! PERFECT 14-0 100% in CFB 06
Pure Lock's TOP NBA Play Monday

**#3 ranked NBA in 2010-11**
**#5 ranked NBA in 2017-18**
**#7 ranked Overall in 2011**
**#10 ranked Overall in 2008**

Join Pure Lock with his Spread on Bulls v. Hornets!

This play from one of the best small volume players in the world comes GUARANTEED TO WIN or the next day is FREE!

*This package includes 1 NBA Spread pick

Pure Lock's TOP NCAA-F Play Wednesday *49-32 Run*!

**#4 ranked NCAA-F in 2012-13**
**#8 ranked NCAA-F in 2010-11**
**#7 ranked Overall in 2011**
**#10 ranked Overall in 2008**

Pure Lock has a TOP NCAA-F play available on Wednesday on the Notre Dame/Georgia. Pure Lock is mainly known for his selectivity in handicapping all sports and normally releases one pick per sport per day or passes! QUALITY over Quantity here. Currently on an impressive 49-32 (60%) run over his last 83 NCAA-F picks! $1,000 per game players have CASHED $13,920 since September 14, 2019!

This play from one of the best small volume players in the world comes GUARANTEED TO WIN or the next day is FREE!

*This package includes 1 NCAA-F Spread pick